Products  /Thermopile Array Module  /OTPA-16 series  /OTPA-16 series
  • OTPA-16 series
    • product
    • product
      The OTPA-16 series is a 16x16 thermopile array module having a digital output through I2C interface for ease of infrared image processing. The application of OTPA-16 series includes occupancy sensing, gesture control, home security and smart appliance. 
      The OTPA-16 series is ideal for customers who require their products that can meet time to market with a moderate startup cost. 

      .Please refer to datasheet for ordering information.
    • Factory pre-calibrated 
    • Low cost and small footprint 
    • Integrated with infrared optics 
    • Output reading in ℃ unit directly 
    • White goods
    • Energy management 
    • Building automation
    • Intrusion detection